Evil Chanouk van Aqualand Evil Chanouk van Aqualand comes out of the fifth Van Aqualand Litter. Evil show lots of temperament and working drive. She has an excellent ‘will to…
Cassidy Betty-Boop van Aqualand Cassidy Betty-Boop van Aqualand was owned and trained by: Van Aqualand bouviers Lous van Ruitenbeek Delft (NL) Pictures Working results Show results Pedigree PicturesCassidy 20010630Aqualand-Bouvierkop+Schnauzer Working results Date Place…
Chanouk Betty-Boop van Aqualand *15-08-1999 – †31-12-2012 Internationaal, Hongaars, Luxemburgs en Oostenrijks kampioen Chanouk Betty-Boop van Aqualand komt uit het derde Van Aqualand nest. Chanouk heeft veel temperament en werkdrift…
Boaz Hurricane van Aqualand Canadian Champion Boaz Hurricane van Aqualand In loving memory Bekijk de stamboomPictures Working results Show results Pedigree PicturesBoaz Working resultsShow resultsPedigree B-nest Int Ch. VZORRO PEGGY v…
Betty-Boop Hurricane van Aqualand International, Austrian and Hongarian Champion Betty-Boop Hurricane van Aqualand comes out of the second Van Aqualand Litter. Her name by which she is generally known is Beppie.…
Hurricane Jane Casa de Mandingo’s Geboren : 5 februari 1991 Overleden : 29 juni 1998 Exterieur : Uitmuntend Africhtingscert. : UV, VZH, IPO 3 Vader : Cayenne v.d. Pappelranch…